International Publication

YEAR 2023

Material incentive motivation and working memory performance of kindergartners: A large-scale randomized controlled trial, Suppalarkbunlue, W., Duangchaiyoosook, S., Khruapradit, V., Kilenthong, W.T., Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Volume 235, November 2023.
Learning losses from school closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic for Thai kindergartners, Kilenthong, W.T., Boonsanong, K., Duangchaiyoosook, S., Jantorn, W., Khruapradit, V., Economics of Education Review, Volume 96O, ctober 2023.
Investigation of the gap-to-T cratio of LaH 10 and LaD10 superconductors, Ruangrungrote, S., Chanpoom, T., Thaninworapak, R., Udomsamuthirun, P., International Journal of Modern Physics B, 37(23), 2023.
Development of a Safety Heavy-Duty Vehicle Model Considering Unsafe Acts, Unsafe Conditions and Near-Miss Events Using Structural Equation Model, Pumpugsri, N., Rattanawong, W., Vongmanee, V., Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(16), 2023.

A Systematic Review of Energy Management Systems for Battery/Supercapacitor Electric Vehicle Applications, Wangsupphaphol, A., Phichaisawat, S., Nik Idris, N.R., (…), Muhamad, N.D., Lengkayan, R., Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(14), 2023. 

A New Paradigm of a Sustainability-Balanced Scorecard Model for Sport Tourism, Heebkhoksung, K., Rattanawong, W., Vongmanee, V., Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(13),2023.
A New Model for a Sustainable Healthcare Supply Chain Prioritizes Patient Safety: Using the Fuzzy Delphi Method to Identify Healthcare Workers’ Perspectives, Kanokphanvanich, C., Rattanawong, W., Vongmanee, V., Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(9), 2023. 
Internationalization at Home: Enhancing Global Competencies in the EFL Classroom through International Online Collaboration, Simões, A.V., Sangiamchit, C., Education Sciences
13(3), 264, 2023.
17(3), pp. 257-268, 2023.

The Kruskal-Wallis test to examine performance inconsistency in the biomass higher heating value models for proximate analysis, Kijkarncharoensin, A., Innet, S., Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 1 (2023) 463 – 480, 2023.

Enhancing Hotel Guest Corporate Social Responsibility–Advocacy Behaviors Through Hedonic Benefits, Chomvilailuk, R., Butcher, K., Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 47(2), pp. 375-394, 2023.

Consistent Regime-Switching Lasso Model of the Biomass Proximate Analysis Higher Heating Value, Kijkarncharoensin, A., Innet, S., International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 12(1), pp. 87-98. 2023.
The Dynamic Evaluation Model of Health Sustainability under MCDM Benchmarking Health Indicator Standards, Ritmak, N., Rattanawong, W., Vongmanee, V., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1),259, 2023.
A New Dimension of Health Sustainability Model after Pandemic Crisis Using Structural Equation Model, Ritmak, N., Rattanawong, W., Vongmanee, V., Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(2), 2023.
Characteristics of the Urban Poor under COVID-19 Control Measures: A Case Study in Bangkok, Kittiprapas, S., Thailand and the World Economy, 41(1), pp. 148-170, 2023.
Promoting Inhibitory Control in Preschool Children Through Music-Movement Activities in the Classroom, Suppalarkbunlue, W., Chutabhakdikul, N., Lertladaluck, K., Moriguchi, Y., Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 37(2), pp. 275-291, 2023.

YEAR 2022

The Role of Caregiver Time Preferences, Child Behavioral Problems, and Community Risks on Parenting Style, Faizi, A.S., Kilenthong, W.T., Southeast Asian Journal of Economics, 10(3), pp. 135-162, 2022.
Navigating China’s Expanding Influence in the Mekong Sub-region: Opportunities and Challenges for the Republic of Korea and Thailand, Ratchatapibhunphob, P., Kim, Y., Patchimnan, A., Patchimnan, M., Thammasat Review, 25(2), pp. 150-174, 2022.

Comparison of the Performance of Macroeconomic Finance Models for Financial Planning (MFM-FP) and ARIMA-Common Size in Forecasting ROE of Real Estate Developers in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Khuntaweetep, W., Koowattanatianchai, N., ABAC Journal, 42(4), pp. 14-29, 2022. 

Integrated Marketing Communication Exposure, Attitude, Decision-Making Process and Purchasing Behavior: A Case Study of Cricket Food Products in Thailand, Patchimnan, M., Inson, C., Phankaew, B., Journal of Global Business and Trade, 18(4), pp. 169-181, 2022.
The Effect of Seeking Resource Diversity on Post-Alliance Innovation Outcomes, Liu, R.L., Juasrikul, S., Yim, S., Australasian Marketing Journal
30(4), pp. 352-363, 2022.
Transitivity System and a Translation of Lexical Metaphors: The Case of the Emirates Airline Website, Chueasuai, P., Manusya, Volume 259, June 2022.


Healthy food consumption behavior of working people in the capital city: A case study in Bangkok, Thailand, Sakdapat, N., Przestrzen Spoleczna, 22(3), pp. 365-384, 2022.
Analysis of the Path of influence of work skills in the new normal life of the undergraduate students in Thailand, Sakdapat, N., Przestrzen Spoleczna, 22(3), pp. 152-168, 2022.
The Implementation of Discrete-Event Simulation and Demand Forecasting Using Temporal Fusion Transformers to Validate Spare Parts Inventory Policy for The Petrochemicals Industry, Innuphat, S., Toahchoodee, M., ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pages 247 – 258, Sep 2022.
Toward an organizational theory of sustainability culture, Ketprapakorn, N., Kantabutra, S., Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 32, Pages 638 – 654, July 2022.
Alternative boomerang kids, intergenerational co-residence, and maternal labor supply, Liao, L., Paweenawat, S.W., Review of Economics of the Household, Volume 20, Issue 2, Pages 609 – 634, June 2022.
Analysing the Thai to English Translations of Tourism Discursive Elements in the Tourism Authority of Thailand’s English WebpagesChueasuai, P., rEFLections, Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages 402 – 420, May – August 2022.
Exploring the factors influencing users’ satisfaction and continuance intention of MOOCs in China, Nong, Y., Buavaraporn, N., Punnakitikashem, P., Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, Open AccessVolume 43, Issue 2, Pages 403 – 408., April-June 2022.
Long Run Risk Model and Equity Premium Puzzle in Thailand, Duangchaiyoosook, S., Kilenthong, W.T. Southeast Asian Journal of Economics, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 133 – 167., 31 March 2022.
Intercultural citizenship development: A case of Thai study abroad students in EMI programs, Ra, J.J., Boonsuk, Y., Sangiamchit, C., Journal of English as a Lingua Franca., Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 89 – 1041., March 2022.
On the measurement of non-random mating and of its change over time, Silber, J., Paweenawat, S.W., Liao, L.  Review of Economics of the Household., Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 161 – 198., March 2022.
Promoting Inhibitory Control in Preschool Children Through Music-Movement Activities in the Classroom, Suppalarkbunlue, W., Chutabhakdikul, N., Lertladaluck, K., Moriguchi, Y., Journal of Research in Childhood Education., 2022.
News Analytics for Business Sentiment Suggestion, Palahan, S.,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications., Volume 13, Issue 7, Pages 677 – 684., 2022.
Toward a sustainable social healthcare enterprise development model, Ketprapakorn, N., Kantabutra, S., International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management., Volume 36, Issue 1, Pages 1 – 26., 2022.
Thai study abroad students as intercultural citizens: developing intercultural citizenship through English medium education and ELT, Baker, W., Boonsuk, Y., Ra, J.J., Sangiamchit, C., Snodin, N., Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 2022.
The three–way interactions of gender, supervisor’s gender, and country on the strategies for managing conflict of millennials: an exploratory study in 10 countries, M. Afzalur RahimJaffrey P. KatzZhenzhong MaHakan YılmazHermann LasslebenMd. Sahidur RahmanMaria Gabriela SilvaZainab BibiLeslie J. ShawThomas E. FernandezCathy Leung Miu Yee., International Journal of Conflict Management., 2022.
DETERMINANTS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION VIA ONLINE FOOD DELIVERY APPLICATIONS, Yoopetch, C., Siriphan, P., Chirapanda, S., ABAC Journal, Volume 42, Issue 2, Pages 70 – 88., 2022.
Socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the vulnerable households: empirical evidence from slum areas of Bangkok city, Kittiprapas, S., Cogent Social Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 1., 2022. 
The kids are all right: Adolescent deviance, innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking,  Robert Neale, N., Sahaym, A., Noack, D., Juasrikul, S., International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2022.
Exploring the Determinants of Young Inclusive Leadership in Thailand: Research Taxonomy and Theoretical Framework,  Ackaradejruangsri, P., Mumi, A., Rattanapituk, S., Pakhunwanich, P., Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2022.
Predicting Generation Z’s Travel Intention through Structural Equation Modeling, Pan, S., Satchabut, T., GMSARN International Journal, Volume 16, Issue 3, Pages 232 – 239, 2022.
How hedonic and perceived community benefits from employee CSR involvement drive CSR advocacy behavior to co-workers, Chomvilailuk, R., Butcher, K. Business Ethics, Environment and Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 224 – 238, January 2022.
Guest benefits of hedonic value and perceived community value drive hotel CSR participation, Butcher, K., Chomvilailuk, R., , Volume 30, Issue 6, Pages 1262 – 1279, 2022.

YEAR 2021

International Financial Reporting Standards Convergence and Value Relevance of Accounting Information: Evidence from ASEAN, Acaranupong, K., Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 31 – 68, 31 December 2021.
Toward an organizational theory of resilience: An interim struggle, Kantabutra, S., Ketprapakorn, N., Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 13, Issue 23, December-1 2021. 
Do Parental Absence and Children’s Gender Affect Early Childhood Investment? Evidence from Rural Thailand, Dinh, N.T.T., Kilenthong, W.T., Singapore Economic Review, Volume 66, Issue 5, Pages 1443 – 1468, 1 September 2021.
A hybridization of feedforward neural network and differential evolution to forecast fertilizer consumption emphasizing on selecting optimal architecture, Sujjaviriyasup, T., Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 43, Issue 4, Pages 1160 – 1168, July 2021.
An adaptive large neighborhood search for the multiple-day music rehearsal problems, Jarumaneeroj, P., Sakulsom, N., Computers and Industrial Engineering, Volume 157, July 2021. 
Impact of sucrose replacement on gel texture and sensory perception of konjac jellies, Akesowan, A.,  Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Volume 58, Issue 3, Pages 763 – 769, June 2021. 
Short-term impact of an early childhood education intervention in rural thailand, Chujan, W., Kilenthong, W.T., Journal of Human Capital, Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 269 – 290, Summer 2021.
Students’ Satisfaction and Loyalty to Tourism Programs, GMSARN International Journal, Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 150 – 156, June 2021.
The inversion of married women’s labour supply and wage: Evidence from Thailand, Liao, L., Paweenawat, S.W., Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, Volume 35, Issue 1, Pages 82 – 98, May 2021.
Comparing country-of-origin image (Coi) between trust dimension and purchase intention in dental tourism, Chongthanavanit, P., Cho, S.K., Mamani, N.C., Kheokao, J.Thammasat Review, Volume 24, Issue 1, Pages 197 – 213, 27 April 2021.
A market-based solution for fire sales and other pecuniary externalities, Journal of Political Economy, Kilenthong, W.T., Townsend, R.M.Volume 129, Issue 4, Pages 981 – 1010, April 2021.
Optimization of salt reduction and eggplant powder for chicken nugget formulation with white button mushroom as a meat extender, Food ResearchOpen AccessVolume 5, Issue 1, Pages 277 – 284, February 2021.
Affect-based nonconscious signaling: When do consumers prefer negative branding?, King, D., Auschaitrakul, S., Psychology and Marketing, Volume 38, Issue 2, Pages 338 – 358, February 2021.
‘Welcome to the Business of Living’, a Translation of Lexical Metaphor on a Company Website: A Case of Emirates Airline, Chueasuai, P. rEFLectionsVolume 28, Issue 3, Pages 381 – 394, 2021.
Evaluating trade corridor performance: A myanmar case study, Banomyong, R., Fernandez, T.E., Journal of International Logistics and Trade, 19(1), pp. 19-32.
Search modality effects: merely changing product search modality alters purchase intentions, King, D., Auschaitrakul, S., Lin, C.-W.J., Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2021.
Stories of peranakan culture in Thailand’s andaman cluster provinces, Poomduang, T., Kheokao, J., Wilainuch, P., Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, Volume 37, Issue 2, Pages 226 – 242, 2021.
THE ADOPTION OF THE AGILE-STAGE-GATE MODEL UNDER CONTEXTUAL CONDITIONS OF STARTUPS, Hirisatja, T., Surachaikulwattana, P., Lohwongwatana, B., Academy of Strategic Management Journal, Volume 20, Issue Special Issue 5, Pages 1 – 10, 2021.
The impact of global value chain integration on wages: evidence from matched worker-industry data in Thailand, Paweenawat, S.W., Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 2021.
Enhancing Hotel Guest Corporate Social Responsibility–Advocacy Behaviors Through Hedonic Benefits, Chomvilailuk, R., Butcher, K. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2021.

YEAR 2020

Helping aphasic patients accomplish greeting exchanges: Implications for stroke care in Thailand,Wilainuch, P., Journal of Interactional Research in Communication DisordersVolume 11, Issue 2, Pages 151 – 170, 20 November 2020
Toward a theory of corporate sustainability: A theoretical integration and exploration, Kantabutra, S., Ketprapakorn, N., Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 27010 October 2020.
Evaluation of factors associated with ehealth literacy among older adult social media users in Thailand, Ubolwan, K., Kheokao, J., Yingrengreong, S., Chuaintha, E., Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, Volume 51, Issue 5, Pages 754 – 762September 2020.
Quality and sensory profile evaluation of gluten-free sapodilla-wild almond seed bar with stevia as partial sugar substitution, Akesowan, A., Choonhahirun, A., Jariyawaranugoon, U., Food Research, Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 1109 – 1115, August 2020.
A critique on the Corruption Perceptions Index: An interdisciplinary approach, Pornanong Budsaratragoon and Boonlert Jitmaneeroj , Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Volume 70, June 2020.
The Novel Paradigm of Economics Driven for Local Smart Sustain Cities Modeling Using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Planning Technique Using Fuzzy Evaluation Decision Making,Mode Vasuaninchita, Varin Vongmanee and Wanchai Rattanawong,  Sustainability, Vol.12, Issue.3, Published 21 January 2020.
Quality and Sensory Profile Evaluation of Gluten-free Sapodilla-wild Almond Seed Bar with Stevia as Partial Sugar Substitution,  Adisak Akesowan,  Anchan Choonhahirun and Usamas Jariyawaranugoon, Food Research, Vol.4, No. 4, August 2020.
The Development of a CO2 Emission Coefficient for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles with Different Road Slope Conditions Using Multiple Linear Regression and Considering the Health Effects, Natthakrit Bamrungwong, Varin Vongmanee andWanchai Rattanawong, Sustainability, Vol. 12, Issue 17, Published September 2020.
Analysis of reputation factors for the personal branding of journalists in Thailand, Rodgunphai, C., and Kheokao, J., Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research, Volume 8 Issue 4, Pages.453-477, 2020.
Identification of success factors for sustainability in family businesses: Case study method and exploratory research in Japan, Chirapanda, S, Journal of Family Business Management, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 58 – 754, Feb 2020.
  Hidden’ innovation development through inherent and support social capitals: an experimentation in rural tourism, Patluang, K., Innovation and Development, Volume 10, Issue 3, Pages 303 – 321, 2020.
Locus of control, health and healthcare utilization, Kesavayuth, D., Poyago-Theotoky, J., Tran, D.B., Zikos, V., Economic ModellingVolume 86, Pages 227 – 238March 2020.
Symbolic Sequence Effects on Consumers’ Judgments of Truth for Brand Claims, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 304 – 313, 1 April 2020.
Do monetary policy transparency and central bank communication reduce interest rate disagreement?, Journal of ForecastingVolume 39, Issue 3, Pages 368 – 393, April 2020.

Is there a wage penalty for occupational feminization? Evidence from Thai labor market, Lusi Liao and Sasiwimon Paweenawat,  Economics Bulletin, Vol. 40 Issue. 3, pages 2143-2153, 2020.

A Glass Ceiling? Gender Inequality of Top Earners in Thailan, Lusi Liao and Sasiwimon Paweenawat , Economics Bulletin, Vol. 40(1), 2020, pages 500-515.

YEAR 2019

Symbolic Sequence Effects on Consumers’ Judgments of Truth for Brand Claims, Dan King and Sumitra Auschaitrakul  , Journal of Consumer Psychology, Volume 30, Issue 2, Pages 304-313.
Identification of success factors for sustainability in family businesse, Suthawan Chirapanda , Journal of Family Business Management, Volume 10, Issue1, October 2019, Pages 58-75.
Tourism Education for Generation Z: The Application of Service Quality, Thitikan Satchabut, GMSARN International Journal, Vol.12, Issue 12, 2018, pp.174-180.
GDP Growth and Economic Freedom in ASEAN Countries, Li Li,  International Journal of Management and Applied Science, Vol.5, Issue 9, September 2019, pp. 37-41.
Bank-specific and Macroeconomic Factors Related to Bank Profitability and Stock Return in Thailand, Li Li, UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics (UTCCIJBE), Vol.10, No.1, April 2019, pp.119-137.
Forecasting Petroleum Consumption Using Hybrid SVR-DE Model Emphasizing on Optimal Parameter Selection Technique, Thoranin Sujjaviriyasup, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 41, Issue 6, November-December 2019, pp 1294-1300.
Transcultural Communication: Language, Communication and Culture through English as a Social Network Community, Will Baker & Chittima Sangiamchit, Language and Intercultural Communication, Volume 19, Issue 6, November 2019, Pages 471-487.
Foreign Direct Investment and Wage Spillover in Thailand: Evidence from Firm-level Panel Data, Sasiwimon Warunsiri Paweenawat, International Journal of Social Economics, 46(10) 2019, pp. 1198-1213.
Measuring Causal Relations and Identifying Critical Drivers for Corporate Sustainability: The Quadruple Bottom Line Approach, Boonlert Jitmaneeroj and Pornanong Budsaratragoon, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 23, Issue 3, 22 October 2019, pp. 292-316.
Toward an Asian Corporate Sustainability Model: An Integrative Review,. Nuttasorn Ketprapakorn,. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.239, 1 December 2019.
Credit default swaps and the UK 2008-09 short sales ban.,Boonlert Jitmaneeroj,. European Journal of Finance, Vol.25, Issue 14, 22 September 2019, pp. 1328-1349.
Sustainable Social Enterprise Model: Relationships and Consequences,.  Nuttasorn Ketprapakorn,.and Sooksan (Kantabutra,. Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol.11, Issue 14, July 2019.
User Entrepreneurs’ Multiple Identities and Crowd Funding Performance: Effects through Product Innovativeness, Perceived Passion, and Need Similarity ,. Pyayt P. Oo, Thomas H.Allison, Arvin Sahaym and Sakdipon Juasrikul,. Journal of Business and Venturing, Vol.34, Issue 5, September 2019.
A Review of Cassava Supply Chain Performance Improvement: A Case of Cassava Supply Chain in Thailand,. Anothai Xanthavanij  and Sataporn Amornsawadwatana ,. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol.8, Issue 4, August 2019, pp.6-15.
Tourist Expectation and Satisfaction with Li Jiang Old City ,. JingTing Wang and Thitikan Satchabut,. UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics (UTCC IJBE), Vo.11, No.1, April 2019, pp.89-111.
Factors Affecting Foreign Tourists’ Satisfaction and Willingness to Pay More for Visiting Bangkok,. Qiumeng Huang and Thitikan Satchabut,. UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics (UTCC IJBE), Vo.11, No.2, August 2019, pp.123-143.
Women on Boards and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Listed Companies in Thailand,.Sasiwimon Warunsiri Paweenawat,. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, Vol.13, Issue 4, pp.408-425, 2019.
Public Service Motivation and Customer Service Behavior: Testing the Mediating Role of Emotional Labour,. Wisanupong Potipiroon, Angsuthon Srisuthisa-ard and Sue Faerman,.Public Management Review, Vol.21, Issue 5, pp. 650-668, May 2019.
International Marketing Strategy in Emerging Market Exporting Firms., Saeed Samiee, Chirapanda, Suthawan,. Journal of International Marketing, Vol.27, No.1,  2019, pp.20-37

YEAR 2018 

Strategic Supply Chain Optimization for the Cassava Industry in Thailand, Anothai Xanthavanij and Sataporn Amornsawadwatana, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol.119, No,16, 2018.
Wholistic Humanized Nursing Care: A Model for Cultivating a Humanistic Caring Mind in Nursing Students,Tassanee Krirkgulthorn, Jantima K. Kheokao, Samuel Umereweneza, Sansanee Seetangkham and Boonseub Sosome, PNA-Philippine Journal of Nursing, Vol.88, No.2, (July-December 2018).
Relationship between Market Orientation, Entrepreneurial Orientation, and Firm Performance in Thai SMEs: The Mediating Role Marketing Capabilities, Laddawan Lekmat, UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics, Volume 17, No. 3, 2018, Pages 213-237.
Antecedents of e-commerce adoption in Thai SMEs, Laddawan Lekmat, UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics (UTCCIJBE), Volume 10, No. 2, August 2018, Pages 219-244.
Factors Influencing Purchase Intention towards Electric Vehicles in Bangkok Metropolis,. Suthikarnnarunai, Nanthi,. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue 4, November 2018, pp.123-128.
The Effects of Experiential Value, Technology Acceptance and Satisfaction on Users’ Intention to Continue Using – A case Study of An English Online Dictionary in Guangxi, China., Satchabut, Thitikan., UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics (UTCC IJBE), Vol.10, No.1, April 2018, pp.169-191.
Trend and Determinants of Exclusive Breast-feeding among Infants in Thailand., Odton, Patarapan., SOUTHEAST ASIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH .,Volume: 49.,Issue: 5.,Pages: 870-878. 
Does Being Smarter Make You Happier? Evidence from Europe., Rifaan Ahmed, Dusanee Kesavayuth and Vasileios Zikos., Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 76, October 2018, pp.55-67.
Retirement and Health Behavior.,Kesavayuth,Dusanee., Robert E. Rosenman and Vasileios Zikos., Applied Economics, Vol.50, Issue 54, November 2018, pp.5859-5876.
Endogenous Free Trade Agreements and International R&D Networks., Tat Thanh Tran and Vasileios Zikos., The Manchester School, Vol. 86, Issue 5, September 2018, pp.641-664.
The Superstitious Journey of Thai Lottery Gamblers., Theeranuch Pusaksrikit, Siwarit Pongsakornrungsilp, Sydney Chinchanachokchai and Elizabeth Crosby., Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.34, Issue 13-14, 2018, pp.1126-1148.
The Interplay of Entrepreneurship Education and National Cultures in Entrepreneurial Activity: a Social Cognitive Perspective.,Pyayt P. Oo., Arvin Sahaym.,Juasrikul, Sakdipon and Sang-Youn Lee.,Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol.16, Issue 3, September 2018, pp.398-420 .
Do Cross-border Alliances with MNEs from Developed Economies Create Firm Value for MNEs from Emerging Economies?., Juasrikul, Sakdipon., Sahaym, Arvin., Yim, Hyunsoon (Sean) and Richie L. Liu.,Journal of Business Research, Vol.93, December 2018.
The Effect of the Rebalancing Horizon on the Tradeoff between Hedging Effectiveness and Transaction Costs., Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert., International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol.58, November 2018, pp.282-298.
Contemporary Frontier Transformation for Inclusive Growth: The Dual Role of “Smart” Competitiveness Factor., Patluang, Kritsada., Journal of Business and Economics Review, Vol.3, No.3, 2018, pp.67-74.
Is Thailand’s credit default swap market linked to bond and stock markets? Evidence from the term structure of credit spreads., Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert., Research in International Business and FinanceVolume 46, December 2018, Pages 324-341.
The impact of strategic CSR marketing communications on customer engagement., Chomvilailuk, Rojanasak., and Ken Butcher Marketing Intelligence and PlanningVolume 36, Issue 7, 1 October 2018, Pages 764-777.
Accounting Practices and Value Relevance of Investment Property: Evidence from Firms Listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand., Acaranupong, Kittima., Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, Vol.10, No.2, December 2017, pp.1-41.
Evaluation of Pretreatment on Osmo-dried Coconut Properties and Its Impact on Quinoa Dessert ., Jariyawaranugoon, Usamas., Food Research, Vol. 2 No. 3 (June 2018), pp. 287-293.
Predicting prices of agricultural commodities in Thailand using combined approach emphasizing on data pre-processing technique., Sujjaviriyasup, Thoranin., Songklanakarin Journal of Science and TechnologyVolume 40, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 75-78.
Missing Policy Targets on Knowledge Base and Social Capital for Inclusive Innovation: Existing Gap in Thailand 4.0 Policy., Patluang, Kritsada. , Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,  Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1.
Happy People are Less Likely to be Unemployed: Psychological Evidence from Panel Data,. Kesavayuth, Dusanee,. and  Zikos,Vasileios Contemporary Economic PolicyVolume 36, Issue 2, April 2018, Pages 277-291.
Locus of control and financial risk attitudes., Kesavayuth, Dusanee , Ko, Kaungmyat  and Zikos,Vasileios., Economic Modelling, Volume 72, June 2018, Pages 122-131.
An active lifestyle and cognitive function: Evidence from China., Kesavayuth, Dusanee, Liang, Yufang and Zikos, Vasileios.,Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Volume 12, November 2018, Pages 183-191.
Merger and Innovation Incentives in a Differentiated Industry., Kesavayuth, Dusanee, Lee, Sang Ho and Zikos, Vasileios., International Journal of the Economics of Business, Volume 25, Issue 2, 4 May 2018, Pages 207-221.
A latent variable analysis of corporate social responsibility and firm value., Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert., Managerial Finance, Volume 44, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 478-494.
The gender‐corruption nexus in Asia., Paweenawat  W. Sasiwimon., ASIAN-PACIFIC ECONOMIC LITERATURE, Volume: 32, Issue: 1, Pages: 18-28.
Long-term container throughput forecast and equipment planning: the case of Bangkok Port., Gosasang,Veerachai, Tsz Leung Yip and Chandraprakaikul, Watcharavee., Maritime Business Review, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2018 pp. 53-69.
Why some South Asian Muslims celebrate Christmas: Introducing ‘acculturation trade offs’., Khan, Amna., Lindridge, Andrew M., and Pusaksrikit, Theeranuch., Journal of Business ResearchVolume 82, January 2018, Pages 290-299.
A Synthetic Cohort Analysis of Female Labour Supply: the Case of Thailand., Paweenawat, Sasiwimon Warunsiri., and McNown, Robert F., Applied Economics., Volume 50, Issue 5, 26 January 2018, Pages 527-544.

YEAR 2017

The Roles of Filmmaking as a Tool for Youth Learning and Cultural Exchange: Two Nations One Mind Film Contest Project.,Kaewprasert, Oradol., Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research, Vol.4, Issue 3, 2017, pp.166-177.
Factors Affecting Behavioral Intentions and Responsible Environmental Behaviors of Chinese Tourists: A Case Study., Satchabut, Thitikan., UTCC International Journal of Business and Economics (UTCC IJBE), Vol.9, No.2, December, 2017, pp.137-153.
Toward a Knowledge-Based Economy: TPP and Thailand’s Experience and Concerns., Bunditwuthisagul, Apinya ., SMU Science and Technology Law Review, Vol.20, No.2, pp.249-258.
Role of Cu on zero valent bimetallic Cu—Fe in arsenic removal with gas bubbling., Nakseedee, Piyanate Tanboonchuy, Visanu Pongtanawat, KhemthongGrisdanurak, Nurak and Chih-Hsiang Liao., Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, Volume 36, Issue 5, September 2017, Pages 1449-1457.
Two Forms of Questioning Regarding the Topic of Eating in Stroke Care in Thailand., Wilainuch ,Pairote., Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, Vol.10, Issue 2, 2013 @2017, pp.201-219.
Control aspects in humanitarian logistics., Thomas E. Fernandez, Suthikarnnarunai, Nanthi. , International Journal of Logistics Systems and ManagementVolume 28, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 267-286.
The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Value: An Application of Structural Equation Modelling,. Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert., Review of Accounting and Finance., Volume 16, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 125-140.
Mediating Effects of Place Attachment and Satisfaction on the Relationship between Tourists’ Emotions and Intention to Recommend., Hosany, Sameer., Prayag, Girish., Van Der Veen, Robert., Huang, Songshan (Sam).,  and Deesilatham, Siripan., Journal of Travel Research.,Volume 56, Issue 8, 1 November 2017.
Network Mining for Marketing Innovation: Evidence from Tourism Community Enterprises., Patluang, Kritsada., Polish Journal of Management Studies., Volume 16, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 210-220.
The Interpersonal Metafunction and Translation of Power Relations: A Case Study of Fifty Shades of Grey., Chueasuai ,Pasakara., Manusya, No.23, 2017.
Quality Characteristics and Storage Stability of Reduced-calorie Mung Bean Marzipan Incorporated with Konjac Flour and Pumpkin., Akesowan, Adisak., and Choonhahirun, Anchan., International Food Research Journal., Volume 24, Issue 6, December 2017.
Application of business intelligence in the tourism industry: A case study of a local food festival in Thailand., Vajirakachorn, Thanathorn., and Chongwatpol, Jongsawas., Tourism Management Perspectives., Volume 23, July 2017, Pages 75-86.
Plots and Thai Cultural Contents for Asean Television Drama., Chokrienxukchai, Kanchana., International Journal of Communication and Media, Vol.7, Issue 3, August 2017, pp.13-20.
Beyond the equal-weight framework of the Social Progress Index: Identifying causal relationships for policy reforms., Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert., International Journal of Social Economics., Volume 44, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 2336-2350.
Travel Motivation and Intention to Revisit of European Senior Tourists to Thailand., Seyanont, Arisara., Universal Journal of Management, Vol.5, No.5, 2017, pp.261-267.  
Experiencing Thai Student Voice from a Teacher’s Perspective., Anthony Neil Catto., and  Burns, Anne, English Australia Journal, Vol.32, No.2, 2017 pp.34-50.
Does Investor Sentiment Affect Price-earnings Ratios?.,  Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert., Studies in Economics and Finance, Vol.34, No.2, 2017, pp.183-193. 
Workplace Spirituality, Mindfulness Meditation, and Work Engagement., Petsawang, Pawinee., and Gary N. McLean, Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, Vol.14, Issue 3, pp.216-244.
The Information Content of the Term Structure of Interest Rates in Emerging Economies: The Case of Thailand., Paweenawat, Archawa,  Journal of Emerging Market Finance, Vol.16, Issue 2, 2017, pp.136-150.
The Origin of the Belief of the Nine Emperor of Thailand and the Spread and Present Situation of the Folk Culture., Ninsa-nguandecha, Jessada., Journal of World Confederation of Institutes and Libraries for Chinese Overseas Studies, Vol.4, No. 1.
Electroencephalography-based Feature Extraction Using Complex Network for Automated Epileptic Seizure Detection., Artameeyanant, Patcharin, Sultornsanee, Sivarit, and Chamongthai, Kosin., Expert Systems: the Journal of Knowledge Engineering, Vol.34, Issue 3, 2017.
The Benefits of the Reciprocal Grantback Clause in Patent Licensing., Kesavayuth, Dusanee., Economics of Innovation and Technology, Vol.26, Issue 5, 2017.
Exploring Different Types of Superstitious Beliefs in Risk-Taking Behaviors: What We Can Learn From Thai Consumers., Chinchanachokchai, Sydney., Pusaksrikit, Theeranuch., and Pongsakornrungsilp, Siwarit., Social Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 23, Issue 1, pp.47-63, 1 March 2017.
Observability and endogenous organizations., Kilenthong, Weerachart., and Gabriel A. Madeira., Economic Theory, Vol.63, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 587 – 619.
A New Class of MODWT-SVM-DE Hybrid Model Emphasizing on Simplification Structure in Data Pre-processing: A Case Study of Annual Electricity Consumptions., Sujjaviriyasup, Thoranin., Applied Soft Computing, Vol.54, 2017 pp.150-163.
Online Display Advertising: The Influence of Web Site Type on Advertising Effectiveness., Auschaitrakul, Sumitra., and Mukherjee., Ashesh Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 34, Issue 1, pp.463-480, April 2017.
The Impact of Dividend Policy on Price-earnings Ratio: The Role of Conditional and Nonlinear Relationship., Jitmaneeroj, Boonlert., Review of Accounting and Finance, Vol.16, Issue 1, 2017, pp.125-140.
R&D Networks among Suppliers and Manufacturers., Tat ThanhTran., Zikos,Vasileios., Economic Modelling, Vol.60, No.1, 2017 pp.151-161. 

YEAR 2016

Intelligent system for transportation mode selection in ASEAN countries., Janthongpan Surat.,  Rattanawong, Wanchai  and Suthikarnnarunai, Nanthi., Open Civil Engineering Journal, Volume 10, 1 June 2016, Pages 361-372.
An Automatic Moving Stage in Optical Microscope.,  Adsavakulchai, Suwannee., APHEIT International Journal, Vol.5, No.2, July-December 2016.
An EMG-based Feature Extraction Method Using a Normalized Weight Vertical Visibility Algorithm for Myopathy and Neuropathy Detection., Artameeyanant, Patcharin ., Sultornsanee, Sivarit., and  Chamnongthai1, Kosin., SpringPlus, Vol.5: 5101, 2016.

YEAR 2015

Explaining Management Accounting Practices and Strategy in Thailand: A Selection Approach Using Cluster Analysis., Nimtrakoon, Sirinuch., and Michael Tayles., Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Vol.5, No.3, 2015, pp.269-298.

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